Democratic People's Republic of Korea
OCHA Situation Report No. 9
24 September 2007
This report on the floods in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is based on information from UN Agencies, the International Federation for the Red Cross (IFRC), Programme Support Units (PSUs), the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the OCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).
1. Heavy rains from 7-14 August 2007 caused severe floods in nine provinces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), including the capital city, Pyongyang. The floods are reported to have affected close to one million people and displaced nearly 170,000 across the flood-affected provinces. 454 people were killed, 156 remain missing and over 4,351 people were injured as a result of the floods.
2. The Central Bureau of Statistics reports some 40,463 houses destroyed, 133,732 houses submerged and 67,056 badly damaged in the floods. In addition, over 8,000 public buildings were destroyed or badly damaged, including thousands of schools and hospitals. At least 10 per cent of the total agricultural land was also inundated.
3. The DPRK national news agency reported 21 September that the rainstorms and strong winds caused by Typhoon Wipha "inflicted heavy losses in many sectors". The Korea Meteorological Administration (Seoul) reported DPRK had suffered heavy rains between 18-20 September, with nearly 37 centimetres falling in the western coastal provinces of South Hwanghae, South Pyongan, and North Hwanghae (50 per cent of the overall rainfall in August), provinces which were badly affected by last month's floods.
4. IFRC sources indicate that the rains and high winds may have destroyed up to 2,000 houses in four provinces, with South Hwanghae being the worst affected. Official impact information is expected from the DPRK Red Cross Society.
5. International agency staff who were visiting the provinces on flood relief monitoring missions observed new damage to roads and delays to infrastructure repair, caused by the severe rains, high winds and mudslides. The rains have reportedly caused additional damage to farmland and emergency rice harvesting has been witnessed in some areas to limit further crop loss.
6. Resident UN Agencies and partners continue to expedite the delivery of relief to the flood-affected areas. Close collaboration with the DPRK Government and local communities continues to be strengthened through regular coordination meetings and assessments. Non-resident aid providers are requested to coordinate their assistance with responding agencies present in-country through the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator (Jean-Pierre.deMargerie@wfp.org and/or zhanna.bakauova@wfp.org).
7. The Resident Coordinator, a.i., sent an official request to the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) for several agencies to temporarily strengthen implementing capacity.
8. In addition to ongoing humanitarian interventions, UN/IASC agencies have begun to discuss possible additional needs for winterization assistance. However, no official request has been received.
Water and Sanitation
9. UNICEF finalized details with the Ministry of City Management (MoCM) on the rapid assessment of pumping stations, which begins on 24 September until 9 October. The rapid assessment will cover 20 affected counties (covering some 70 per cent of the IDP population) plus 10 counties with significant damage to water supply systems. The MoCM has agreed in principle to other international partners participating in their existing focus counties.
Health and Nutrition
10. Coordination with non-resident NGOs is improving, especially with regard to data on essential medicine distribution at provincial level from organizations including World Vision, Christian Friends of Korea and Mercy Corps.
11. UNFPA has received Inter-Agency emergency kits for family planning and safe and clean delivery for 300,000 displaced persons in the affected areas. Distribution started on 22 September in four counties in South Hamgyong province.
12. WHO is working with the MoPH to improve the quality and expedite analysis of disease surveillance and is currently awaiting official data from the MoPH.
13. Key WHO procurements on behalf of the Health sector include an SDC-donated Inter-Agency Emergency Health kit (IEHK), which will be delivered to Singye County in North Hwanghae province and two IEHK and six basic units on behalf of the Polish Embassy.
14. A Mercy Corps delegation to DPRK suggested post mission that many villages are still in need of antibiotics and other medicines to combat waterborne diseases and ear, eye, and skin infections.
Food Security
15. Having completed the first round of emergency food distribution and undertaking monitoring missions to more than half their recipient counties, WFP is now pre-positioning stocks for a second round of distribution scheduled to start mid-October.
16. UNICEF is working closely with the Ministry of Education to provide emergency school supplies, as well as furniture and stationary to the worst damaged schools. Concerns are turning to repairing schools in time for the winter, as some classes are still being held in the open air.
17. Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has released figures on livestock losses resulting from the August floods. Data on 5 out of 9 affected provinces describe losses in farmed rabbits (30,000), poultry (7,649 flocks), cattle and goats, which underlines livelihoods concerns already raised.
18. The MoA has identified an urgent need for livestock treatments including de-worming pills and antibiotics to treat pneumonia and bronchitis.
19. IFRC is currently in the process of revising their Appeal, which is around 83 per cent funded. The revised version will be adjusted to focus less on medicines and more on rehabilitation assistance for clinics and hospitals.
20. On 19 September, UN Agencies submitted an application though the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator for a CERF rapid response grant funding in the amount of USD 3 million for projects in the health, food and agriculture sectors. This was recommended by the CERF Secretariat and approved by the Emergency Response Coordinator on 20 September.
21. The DPRK Flash Appeal for USD 14.1 million currently stands at 12 per cent funding, having received USD 1.71 million in contributions. A further USD 4.78 million has been pledged. Donors are encouraged to convert their pledges into the contributions as soon as possible. For additional updates, please refer to the OCHA Financial Tracking Service (FTS) http://Reliefweb.int/fts.
22. This situation report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also available on the OCHA Internet Website at http://www.reliefweb.int.
For detailed information please contact:
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Tel. +66 2288 2558
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Tel. +66 2288 1195
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