Democratic People's Republic of Korea
OCHA Situation Report No. 11
08 October 2007
This report is based on information from UN Agencies, IFRC, Programme Support Units (PSUs), the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the OCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).
1. Heavy rains from 7-14 August 2007 caused severe floods in nine provinces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), including the capital city, Pyongyang. The floods affected almost one million people and displaced nearly 170,000, as well as killing at least 454 people (156 remain missing).
2. The DPRK Central Bureau of Statistics reported over 40,000 houses completely destroyed, with a further 200,000 submerged or badly damaged in the floods. Thousands of schools, hospitals, and other public buildings were destroyed or badly damaged. At least 10 per cent of agricultural land was also inundated.
3. Rainstorms and strong winds caused by Typhoon Wipha from 17-20 September led to severe damage in four provinces. The DPRK Red Cross Society estimates that some 1,649 people were made homeless, and the rains reportedly caused additional damage to over 109,000 hectares of farmland.
Coordination and monitoring
4. WFP has been granted additional visas for staff to come to the DPRK to support the implementation of the flood emergency operation. A logistics officer will travel to Pyongyang this week to carry out commodity tracking and a reports/information officer will come in on 16 October.
5. Building on the good levels of coordination and cooperation experienced during the floods response, the UNCT is considering organizing an Emergency Preparedness Planning workshop in November, hopefully with the participation of IFRC and Government partners. The workshop would also focus on 1) drawing on lessons learned during the current emergency operation and 2) possible planning of operational needs and response for the rehabilitation/reconstruction phase of the response.
Health and Nutrition
6. The MoPH is monitoring disease surveillance, and preliminary information from two counties so far (Ichon in Kangwon province and Pyongsan in North Hwanghae), indicate an increase in the number of diarrhoeal diseases from mid-August to mid-September by 45% and 36% respectively. The assessment should be completed by next week, and MoPH will share the findings with other Health sector partners. WHO awaits MoPH approval of the proposed Disease Surveillance support project.
7. Health sector staff training on MUAC will take place 11-13 October and nutrition assessment fieldwork is scheduled for 15-17 October for children under five.
8. UNICEF will begin distributing Emergency Medical kits to affected counties, while zinc supplies are now in-country and are to be distributed once plans are finalized with the MoPH.
9. Public messaging leaflets on diarrhoea and hygiene promotion are ready for printing. 1 million copies will be distributed by the MoPH. Leaflets on ORS and Zinc are also being produced, which IFRC and PSU2 will also disseminate.
10. 100 tons of calcium hypochlorite are being distributed to 89 flood-affected counties (including 22 where IFRC distribution will take place). This amount will provide 5.3 million people with treated water for two months. An additional 170 tons of calcium hypochlorite has been ordered.
11. The rapid assessment of pumping stations is ongoing in 26 counties, to be completed by 09 October. A UNICEF team will join assessment teams in Koksan and Sinpyong counties on 08 October.
12. Two international consultants will assist UNICEF's WASH team from 23 October to 06 November with a more detailed assessment of selected pump stations, which will receive further UNICEF rehabilitation support based on the results of the rapid assessment.
13. Basic family water kits for 10,000 families are under procurement and will be pre-positioned as emergency stock. Basic sets of spare car parts have been ordered as part of these expanded emergency stocks.
Food Security
14. The damage to agricultural land caused by the flooding is expected to have a long-term impact on food security in DPRK. Although it is too early to have a comprehensive assessment of crop losses, rough estimates indicate that 200,000 - 400,000 tons of cereals could have been lost. FAO estimates that this will mean a likely increase in reliance on external food supplies in 2008.
15. WFP EMOP for floods response is fully funded thanks to generous and timely contributions from donors. A budget revision to adjust commodity costs and to extend the operation until 31 December has been approved.
16. WFP is preparing for a second round of food distributions in mid-October. Delays in arrivals of some food commodities, most notably oil, may result in some beneficiaries having their food rations reduced in November. Reductions in food assistance are particularly ill-timed as dropping temperatures and hard physical labor during the ongoing harvest season is increasing energy needs of the vulnerable flood-affected people. WFP is currently exploring ways to speed up shipments and reduce the negative impact on beneficiaries.
17. Orders for furniture for damaged schools have been placed, which are expected to be ready before the end of the year. UNICEF reports that children affected by damaged school buildings have been accommodated in nearby schools and other locations.
18. The Government of Norway announced a contribution of one million Norwegian kroner (approximately 170,000 USD) for UNFPA activities under the Flash Appeal.
19. The DPRK Flash Appeal for 14.1 million USD is now 56.6% funded, with a further 3.3 million USD pledged. For additional updates, please refer to the OCHA Financial Tracking Service (FTS) http://Reliefweb.int/fts.
20. This situation report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also available on the OCHA Internet Website at http://www.reliefweb.int.
For detailed information please contact:
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
, Bangkok
Mr. Markus Werne
Mob. + 66-81-917-8940
Tel. +66-2288-2558
Ms. Amanda Pitt
Mob. +66-81-374-1035
Tel. +66-2288-1195
Desk Officer:
(NY) Mr. Ivan Lupis
Tel. +1-917-367-5286
Ms. Kendra Clegg
Tel. +1-917-367-3524
Press contact:
(NY) Ms. Stephanie Bunker, Tel. +1-917-367-5126
(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, Tel. +41-22-917-2653