Channel: ReliefWeb - Updates on Typhoon Wipha - Sep 2007
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Democratic People's Republic of Korea: DPR Korea: Floods OCHA Situation Report No. 14

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
OCHA Situation Report No. 14
06 November 2007

This report is based on information from UN Agencies, IFRC, Programme Support Units (PSUs), the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and OCHA ROAP. These situation reports are now issued every two weeks.


1. Heavy rains from 7-14 August 2007 caused severe floods in nine provinces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), including the capital city, Pyongyang. The floods affected almost one million people and displaced nearly 170,000. At least 454 people were reported dead and 156 people missing. The Government reported more than 40,000 houses completely destroyed, with a further 200,000 submerged or badly damaged. Thousands of schools, hospitals and other public buildings were destroyed or badly damaged. At least 10 per cent of agricultural land was inundated.

2. Rainstorms and strong winds caused by Typhoon Wipha from 17-20 September led to further severe damage in four provinces. The DPRK Red Cross Society estimates that an additional 1,649 people were made homeless and over 109,000 hectares of farmland damaged.

3. Nearly three months on, diarrhoea is still being reported as the main health problem for flood-affected communities during field visits by humanitarian actors, due to the disruption of water supplies in affected areas. However, the Ministry of Public Health is reporting that the situation is returning to normal, and surveillance, treatment, and prevention activities by GoDPRK and international partners continue under the emergency projects.

4. Post-reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts have been led by the Government of DPRK, with major mobilization of manual workers observed in some flood-affected counties. The remaining housing and infrastructure repairs are due to be completed by the end of November, according to local officials.

5. Coordination meetings continue in all response sectors, but many are now being held every two weeks, rather than on a weekly basis. Monitoring of all response interventions also continues.


6. Local officials interviewed by WFP during field trips to flood-affected areas indicate that reconstruction after the floods is 80 to 100% completed, with the remainder due to be finished by the end of November. This work includes repair/rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure, like roads and bridges, as well as new houses to accommodate families made homeless by the floods. County authorities have received reconstruction materials from the Government, some of which have been provided by Republic of Korea, to assist with the rehabilitation.

7. WFP staff have observed reconstruction efforts underway with large manual workforce mobilization in some of their target counties. Simultaneously, there still exist in some flood-affected areas households living in temporary shelters nearly three months after the floods. Officials in a large number of counties expressed a desire for WFP to support rehabilitation and recovery through food-for-work schemes.


Coordination and monitoring

8. Additional staff are currently supporting both WFP and UNICEF (WFP Logistics Officer for commodity tracking, UNICEF Reports/Communication Officer, two UNICEF Water and Sanitation engineers) for 2-3 weeks. Additional short-term visas have been confirmed for a UNICEF Health and Nutrition specialist and for a UNFPA Beijing-based staff member to monitor December distribution of UNFPA supplies. The number of international staff will be reduced to pre-flood numbers soon, as the Government has agreed to these additional staff members for the emergency response period only.

9. Meetings are held between the RC ai and national counterparts at the National Coordinating Committee, although participation by national authorities is lower now than compared with the early stages of the emergency response. Observations from the field are shared between international aid providers in the regular sectoral meetings and shared with the broader resident international community in weekly inter-agency meetings, but comprehensive official information on the national response has not been made available.

10. A UNCT Emergency Preparedness and Planning workshop is currently being discussed, with the support of OCHA ROAP. The option of organizing such a workshop jointly with the GoDPRK is still under consideration.

11. Monitoring continues to be carried out by sector partners and - where possible - in the field among sectors.

Health and Nutrition

12. Distribution plans of medicines and medical supplies are being closely coordinated among health cluster partners, and information from two non-resident NGOs is also reflected in the sector geographical distribution matrix to avoid overlapping. Sector meetings have been convened on a weekly basis with the participation of a national counterpart from the Ministry of Public Health; it has now been agreed to shift to a fortnightly meeting.

13. Monitoring activities are regularly carried out and show that the aid is reaching the targeted health facilities, with estimated coverage of over 5.5 million of population in flood-affected areas. However, SDC reports that although an SDC-donated Inter-agency Emergency Health Kit reached the targeted county (to Singye County in North Hwanghae province) it had not yet been distributed further. Given the large amount of supplies, many agencies (IFRC, UNFPA, UNICEF & WHO) are also supporting the MoPH logistics capacity to expedite delivery of supplies to targeted sites.

14. Coordination challenges include scarce information on bilateral aid, delayed information on disease surveillance, delayed funding, and a shortage of emergency health supplies on the international market. The latter has caused delays in procurement, which in turn affects emergency distribution.

15. MoPH disease surveillance teams suggest that there was an increase in the number of respiratory tract infections and skin diseases after the floods, as well as 30-40% increase in diarrhoeal diseases. So far the MoPH has provided disease surveillance data only for the period 10 August-10 September and only covering 3 affected counties in 3 different provinces: Ichon - Kangwon province; Unchon - South Hwanghae; and Pyongsan in North Hwanghae. The data also shows a substantial increase in the number of diarrhoeal diseases (around 40%), which was expected due to the widespread damage to water systems, and some increase in the number of respiratory tract infections and skin diseases. The MoPH and local authorities now report that the diarrhoeal situation is returning to normal standards, and MoPH disease surveillance continues.

16. Diarrhoea has been reported as the main health problem affecting flooded counties through sector partner field visits. Though the situation is now improving, diarrhoea remains one of the main causes of disease and malnutrition for children under 5. As part of the floods response, UNICEF is working with the MoPH and other agencies to prepare a nationwide campaign on diarrhoea prevention and control during the upcoming Child Health Day on November 22. Families with children under 5 will receive health education on diarrhoea prevention, including IEC materials and ORS and zinc tablets to treat diarrhoea at home before it becomes too serious. UNICEF is using CERF funding for the campaign in order to procure ORS, zinc tablets, soap and to print leaflets on diarrhoea prevention and the use of zinc and ORS. These are expected to be delivered by mid-November.

17. In consultation with sector partners and the GoDPRK at the end of September, UNICEF agreed to provide top-up supplies of essential medicines to deal with the increased disease burden to flood affected counties in 3 provinces (North Hwanghae, South Hwanghae and Kangwon) which had not been covered by large scale IFRC health assistance. The top-up consists of an additional 1,333 essential medicine kits to which a further procurement of 1.9 million zinc tablets was added for diarrhoea treatment; total population covered will be over 4.5 million people. The distribution of these top-up medicines is ongoing and is expected to be completed by November 10: however, distribution has been hampered by logistical and transport issues such as a shortage of trucks.

18. Data collection from the MUAC (Middle Upper Arm Circumference) Nutrition Rapid Screening of children under 5 in the 19 worst affected counties was completed in mid-October. A total of 3,800 children were measured. UNICEF reports that MoPH is expected to share its report and the raw data early next week, which will then be analyzed and verified in the coming weeks with the support of a nutritional epidemiologist based in Beijing.

19. Debriefing of teams on their return from the field confirmed that the MUAC screening had proceeded well and that caregivers were particularly engaged as they received an immediate feedback on the health of the child. In addition to existing hospital treatment with therapeutic milk, a UNICEF HQ Nutrition advisor supported UNICEF DPRK and MoPH staff in developing a protocol and plan for treatment of malnourished children in their community through the use of 'Ready to Use Therapeutic Food' (RUTF) nutritional paste. The nutritional paste protocol allows families to rehabilitate the child at home, and a system for active screening at the Ri clinic to identify children in need of treatment at an early stage is also planned. An initial 52 MT of nutritional paste for treatment of moderate and severe malnutrition are already in country and are currently being distributed to flood-affected counties.

20. IFRC is conducting a rapid assessment of 200 flood damaged health facilities in areas supported by IFRC. The MOPH will undertake the physical rehabilitation while IFRC will provide medical equipment and furniture to these facilities as per its revised appeal

21. The Government is leading on physical repairs to health facilities. While field visit observations have been noted of some repair works, no comprehensive official information on scope and quality is available. WHO will support rehabilitation of selected ri level health facilities.

22. Numerous Health and Nutrition sector activities are ongoing in terms of delivery and distribution of medical, reproductive health, and hygiene kits, as well as various procurements in the pipeline and monitoring visits: please see table in the accompanying attachment.


23. The Water and Sanitation sector includes partners operating outside the Appeal (EUPS 3, 5 and IFRC, in addition to UNICEF and EUPS 2). Information on all partners' interventions (type, quantities of supply and geographical distribution) is also captured in a matrix, which is regularly updated. Until recently the group met on a weekly basis, but decided that meetings will now be held fortnightly.

24. With technical support from UNICEF, the Ministry of City Management (MCM) conducted a detailed assessment of the damage to pump-based water supply systems (pumps, motor and transformers) in the 26 worst-affected counties. The preliminary results compiled by GoDPRK indicate a number of pumps. Motors, and transformers either damaged or washed away, including nearly 100 km of water supply pipes.

25. The results of the survey are currently being verified by two international electro-mechanical engineers. In addition to the field monitoring by the UNICEF Water and Sanitation Specialist, a total of 8 out of the 26 counties have been monitored. The monitoring visits confirm the results of the Ministry assessment and the two engineers are now preparing a detailed list of spare parts, which will be procured for repairs in early 2008. In the meantime, an initial order of spare parts has arrived in-country and will be distributed to selected counties.

26. The engineers are also preparing a modular design for an emergency pump-based system, which would be constructed in counties where pump stations have been washed away or are beyond repairs. The number of such systems will depend on funding available after the procurement of spare parts. Based on the assessment, UNICEF will prepare a proposal to be submitted to donors for a second phase of emergency rehabilitation of water supply systems in selected counties in 2008.

27. During field trips it has been noted that provisional but not sustainable repairs to some pumps have been made locally. Following, the engineers are making recommendations on how to proceed to ensure a more durable rehabilitation.

28. Soon after the floods, UNICEF dispatched pre-positioned water kits for 5,000 families in 5 provinces. The distribution was complementary to IFRC supply of over 22,000 household kits to homeless families in the weeks following the floods. The delivery of UNICEF kits to 20 counties was confirmed through several monitoring trips by UNICEF staff. Additional water purification tablets to cover the needs of 30,000 families over one month were procured. However due to the parallel distribution of calcium hypochlorite, it was decided to keep these tablets as emergency preparedness stocks for future emergencies. In relation to water purification tablets field observations have shown that some families are not using the tablets due to the strong chlorine taste.

29. To replenish emergency preparedness stocks, water kits for 10,000 families have been ordered and are due to arrive in country in mid November. These will complement the replenishment of household kits of the National Red Cross Society by IFRC. To strengthen emergency preparedness in water, IFRC is also procuring additional items such as water tanks and mobile water filtration units and UNICEF plans to keep a stock of spare parts to repair pump based systems in case of future floods.

30. As part of the response to the floods, 100 MT of calcium hypochlorite procured by UNICEF has been distributed nationwide to 89 counties to cover two months of water chlorination for a population of 5,350,000 people. An additional 100 MT procured by IFRC is being distributed to affected counties in 3 provinces (South Phyongan, North Pyongan, South Hamgyong) to cover an additional period of 6 months for chlorination. In addition to these distributed amounts UNICEF - in consultation with government and other partners in the Water and Sanitation coordination working group - has ordered an additional 170 MT due to arrive at the end of November. It will be distributed to affected counties in the remaining 3 provinces (Kangwon, North Hwanghae and South Hwanghae) so as to cover chlorination for an additional 4 months.

31. In Yonggwang county, South Hamyong province, 18,000 people will benefit from the EUPS 2 pumphouse rehabilitation. Pumps were expected to arrive around 5 November, and pipes are expected in the week. The laying of pipes will begin this week as well and the construction works are expected to be completed by the end of November.

Food Security

32. Some limited quantities of the local harvest have started to feed into the Public Distribution Centres. County officials stated that it is difficult to quantify the crop losses due to the floods at this early stage of the harvest, but they expected the losses to be around 30-60% for both maize and rice. Though premature to quantify such losses, WFP and resident observers believe that such figures might be over-estimated.

33. The second cycle of WFP food distributions consisting of some 4,801 tons of cereals began in mid-October. At the time of reporting, some 986 MT had been distributed, with distributions this week taking place in Hwangju, Kumchon (N. Hwanghae province), Haeju City, Jaeryong (S. Hwanghae) and Suan (S. Hamgyong) counties. WFP international staff were present at the Public Distribution Centres to observe the distribution of food and conduct interviews with beneficiaries and local officials.

34. WFP and the Government have prepared distribution plans for a further 3,815 tons of cereals to be delivered to 17 counties on the West Coast throughout November. With this food, which is sufficient to feed 177,000 beneficiaries for 50 days, WFP will have completed all food distributions under the EMOP. WFP international staff will monitor distributions; in total, all flood-affected counties targeted for WFP food aid will be visited three times during the four-month duration of the emergency operation.

35. WFP was requested to provide assistance to 37 counties. It has good quality access in these counties (i.e. in term of access to county officials, to affected areas and to flood victims themselves). WFP continues to apply its principle of "no access, no assistance" consistently. The initial rapid assessment missions were conducted with WFP partners in all flood-affected counties and received effective facilitation from DPRK authorities at central and local levels. WFP was able to be present during food distributions in all counties and given ample room to observe the flood damage and talk to the affected populations.


36. According to prioritization agreed by UNICEF with the Ministry of Education, the process of procurement of furniture of 13,105 sets benefiting 26,210 students has begun but is not yet finalized. The delivery of the supplies, (according to the supplier), is expected by between mid-December and mid-January 08: furniture provision accounts for 85% of the total education emergency response. Procurement of classroom stationery kits and school recreational kits has started and will cover all 35,000 children without classrooms and 261 damaged schools (official MoE data).

37. According to field observations, local authorities report that 75% of the damaged school buildings have been repaired or reconstructed however, in some areas the figures reported by People's Committees (local governments) differ from those officially reported by the MoE.


38. The main harvest of maize and rice has been completed with subsequent steps (such as drying, threshing, cleaning, transportation) continuing until November/ December. Official figures on rice and maize outputs are expected to be circulated only in February/March 2008.

39. Some of the harvest of autumn cabbage, used to make kimchi (a key food staple during the winter months), is under way. Soybeans and maize were harvested some time ago. In the counties monitored by WFP, the cutting had been completed and the crops were being brought in after drying in the fields.

40. Procurement has been initiated for barley seed, plastic rolls and fertiliser. These are expected to arrive in December latest, in readiness for Spring Crop 2008 land preparations in February. A distribution plan is to be prepared and follow-up visits conducted to beneficiary cooperative farms.

For detailed information please contact:

Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok:

Mr. Markus Werne
Mob. +66 81 917 8940
Tel. +66 2288 2558

Ms. Amanda Pitt
Mob. +66 81 374 1035
Tel. +66 2288 1195

Desk Officer:
(NY) Mr. Ivan Lupis, Tel. +1 917 367 5286

Press contact:
(NY) Ms. Stephanie Bunker, Tel. +1 917 367 5126
(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, Tel. +41 22 917 2653

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